I thought I'd give a quick rating to each of the shows. Nothing big, I don't want to get carried away describing all of them. But I would like to give some stars and tell you generally why I felt the way I did.
So, here they are (in alphabetical order):

My rating: 5/5 stars
Why: It's one of the greatest stories ever with some of the most beautiful music ever composed. Seeing it come alive on the Broadway stage was a dream come true for the little girl inside me. Absolutely magical.

Why: An enjoyable, totally musical-theatre kinda show, but not that memorable. I remember enjoying myself during the show, but I can't really remember anything else about it. Maybe one song. It was cute, but I wouldn't recommend paying full price to see it.

My rating: 4.5/5 stars
Why: One word: HYS-TER-I-CAL! Dave and I could barely breathe we were laughing so hard at some points in this show. I'd give it a full five stars, but I have to admit, the music is somewhat forgettable. I walked out of the theatre and couldn't remember more than a line from one or two songs. They were good songs, just not memorable. But it didn't matter. The show had a really creative setup, the characters were hilarious, and I left the theatre wishing I could see it again that night. I absolutely recommend it.

My rating: 2.99/5
Why: I wanted to love this show. It was good, but I left the theatre a little empty. I admit, I did see it as a preview, so it wasn't quite ready for the big-time. But, when I see a show I want to go home singing the songs and reliving the great moments over and over again in my head. I seriously forgot about the show after we left the theatre. I'm so sad to even say it, because I had been waiting excitedly for months to see the show. To be fair, I think the reason I didn't like it is because the story is so poor. The performers did their best with the material. The acting was good, the singing and choreography was excellent, but I was left wanting. I'm glad I saw it, but it really needs to step it up to stay on Broadway.

My rating: 5/5 stars
Why: Can I just say, I freakin' LOVE this show. I knew nothing about it when I went, and I was blown away. I loved everything about it- the costumes, the characters, the songs, the story, just everything about it was fantastic. It was really high-energy, and there were a lot of laughs. I know it's a lot to give a perfect score, but I can't really think of any reason to mark it down. It was absolutely enjoyable, and I would go again. In fact, I'm gonna check BroadwayBox right now...

My rating: 4.75/5 stars
Why: Do I even need to explain this one? Aside from having the most amazing score, the production was incredible. I was transported into the land of Oz. I would give it a perfect score, but I was left wanting for a stronger voice on Elphaba both times I saw it, and the first Fiyero we saw was a terrible actor. Like, "How is he on Broadway??" bad. But regardless, this is definitely one of my favorite musicals of all-time. Love, love, love it.(Now if only there hadn't been the guy with the biggest freakin' head in the world sitting in front of me, moving his head every three seconds... I seriously almost strangled him.)
Wow, I'm looking back at these pictures and realizing how blessed I am. Not only did I get to see a few shows on Broadway, I think I got to see some of the best out there. Live theatre just so happens to be one of my very favorite things to do in the world. I'm so grateful I was able to live in NYC this summer and take advantage of it!
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