
And now I wait.

In case you're wondering, I DID make callbacks for A Little Night Music. Yay!

I sat patiently for an hour and forty-five minutes while they had other parts read and sing, only to read two scenes. Once. But I feel like it went well anyway. Of course there's no way to tell-- everyone else was good too. One good sign was that the music director pulled me aside and said, "We're not going to have you sing today. You've already impressed us there, and we don't need to hear you again." Wahoo! At least if I don't get the part, I know that I was a worthy competitor.

Now comes the excruciating period where I wait, wonder, second-guess my performance, and play over everything that was said to me until I go crazy! Ahh, the anticipation!

1 comment:

davecharliebrown said...

Let's hear the big news, Daryl!