
My Apologies!

Holy cow! I must apologize to my lovely friends who posted comments on my blog-- I had no idea! I didn't realize my settings were such that I had to "approve" comments, so I never really thought that anyone was actually looking at my blog... I'm flattered that you would be! This renews my spirit to try to find interesting things to post. I'm a "beginner blogger", but heck, I'm gonna keep on truckin'.

So, again, my friends, I'm sorry to have left you thinking that I just didn't care. I'm going to go change my settings right now!

In other news, I had a "Rosa moment" today-- I was bending over to get something out of the fridge, and I stood up... into the freezer door. I've been writing this post with a frozen bag of corn on my nose. I thought you'd appreciate that. In fact, I've included a picture for your enjoyment:

Oh, the joys of being a clumsy fool.


The Olsons said...

Ouch... That definitly is a Rosa moment! I think that almost beat my parmesan incident, when I didn't realize the container was open until I shook it all over my house. You remember that right?
Sorry that you freezer door exists!

rosa said...

I totally remember the parmesan incident, you poor thing! I remember you said you even got it in your hair! Gosh, that stuff gets everywhere.