Wow, this is the first time I'm doing a tag post where I've actually been tagged! Thanks Lisa!
The Rules:1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I'm pretty sure I'm hypoglycemic.
2. I'm kind of in love with yellow duckies... I take my rubber duckie wherever I go!
3. I just ate a whole box of See's chocolates. And by a whole box, I mean I took at least a bite out of every single piece. And yes, the caramel ones are completely gone.
4. I've got a lot of OCD tendencies. For example: I jump every time I'm in a bathroom. Sometimes multiple jumps. I just feel like I can't touch the floor sometimes. I can't really explain it.
5. I'm a Bed, Bath, and Beyond expert. Ask me anything about sheets, pillows, blankets, you name it. I know what's up.
6. I have a recurring nightmare that I'm in a show and I'm about to go on stage, but I'm never ready. I'm always missing a part of my costume, or I don't know any of my lines and I'm desperately seeking for a script to cram at the last second.
7. I think I might actually be in love with chocolate. I could have a chocolate moo'd (with a banana added) from Jamba Juice every single day of my life. There were times where I almost cried because I didn't live near a Jamba Juice. And don't even get me started about lava cake...
Yay, I did it! I didn't know I could come up with so many weird things so easily...
Guess who's next??
Dave (aka Daryl)
Mom (when you get your blog up!)
(no offense taken if you don't do it. But just do it anyway.) :)
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I can guess that your nightmare is because of stress and your situation. I had similar dreams when I was thinking of changing my major and wasn't really sure.
Honest to goodness I had the same dream the other night!! I dreamt I was in a play of some sort and I was supposed to go on stage but I didn't know any of my lines. Totally random for me. I don't know where it came from.
I've never been tagged before! Thanks for tagging me. What if I tag you back? I think you'll have to do it again. Next time let's play a freeze tag version. Or TV Tag! Did you ever play that?
(I seem to remember you having that dream before. You have a lot of dreams and a lot of recurring ones too.)
I've definitely had it many times. The other one I have most often is the one where I'm always missing a class. I show up and realize that I knew I had class, but I had somehow forgotten and missed the entire semester.
Are there "no tag backs?" I don't have 7 people to tag up for this game. At least now I have a legitmate excuse to post!
Hey! It's been a long time, but, yes, I do remember you. I'm glad to see that all is going well. Good hearing from you!
I've had that class nightmare before. In fact, every time finals rolled around. I know it's weird, but I always dream about witches. Always have and probably always will. I have a lot of repeats too.
Hey Rosa..its Elder Steadman...Rick now me if you get a chance I would love to hear from to have you back in Utah.
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