
Child's Play

Gabe and I used to have hours of fun making up things to play.... for example, this is "walk the dog":

As a kid, our minds think so simply. "Ok, I'll be the lady, and you be the dog. Let's see... this jump rope is the leash, and since mom told me I'm not allowed to wrap it around your neck, we'll go ahead and have you put it in your mouth. Oh my gosh, we look so real."

I loved being a kid. And I'm not gonna lie, it's fun to be the big sister-- I don't have to be the dog.

Sorry, Gabey. :)


emily & david said...

this pic is soooo funny. congrats on getting the part!

Caitlin Carroll said...

Rosa, you don't know me, but my sister is Lauren Richins. I came across your blog from hers and then saw this picture and had to laugh. Gabe is in my political science class and we frequently chat. I'll have to bring up this picture next time I see him! :)