
Take me out to TWO ballgames

At Dave's work, sometimes a few of the lawyers with Mets season tickets are too busy to make it to the game, so they send out the tickets to the summer associates. We were lucky enough to be able to go twice last week! What a treat! The only down thing is looking in the mirror after having a dinner of hotdogs, popcorn, and ice cream twice in one week...

And of course, it's not a game without a blue cotton-candy stained tongue!

Even though they were mezzanine seats the second time, they were great seats! There really isn't a bad place to sit.

I can't remember the outcome of the Mets vs. Twins, but the last game we went to, the Mets absolutely crushed the SF Giants, 10-1. Sorry, Dave!

Going to the game makes me really feel like it's summertime. So much fun!


Oh gelato, how I love thee

I don't know what it is about gelato...

Maybe it's the creamy texture of those delicious concoctions, or the way it slides down your throat with so much satisfaction. Whatever it is, I'm in love.

And whatever you do, don't remind me that I have NYC's best gelato place one block away from my apartment....


My Apologies!

Holy cow! I must apologize to my lovely friends who posted comments on my blog-- I had no idea! I didn't realize my settings were such that I had to "approve" comments, so I never really thought that anyone was actually looking at my blog... I'm flattered that you would be! This renews my spirit to try to find interesting things to post. I'm a "beginner blogger", but heck, I'm gonna keep on truckin'.

So, again, my friends, I'm sorry to have left you thinking that I just didn't care. I'm going to go change my settings right now!

In other news, I had a "Rosa moment" today-- I was bending over to get something out of the fridge, and I stood up... into the freezer door. I've been writing this post with a frozen bag of corn on my nose. I thought you'd appreciate that. In fact, I've included a picture for your enjoyment:

Oh, the joys of being a clumsy fool.